


  • 課程名稱:生化轉譯訓練營
  • 課程性質:講習
  • 上課日期:114年02月19日-06月04日(三) 16:30-18:20
  • 授課方式:英文
  • 授課教師:李財坤、張庭榕、劉菊芬、何佳樺、柯淑芬、陳柏豪、陳玠甫、張瑾文、劉家銘、黃詩穎
  • 學分數:2
  • 上課地點:未來教室 綜401
  • 資格限制:醫學院  國際三校農業生技與健康醫療碩士學位學程
  • 報名方式:我要報名


  • 課程大綱:
  • In this course, students plan and implement biomedical and translation research lab related to unmet needs of food security and global health and identify social and natural environment-related issues/challenges in R & D. aiming to provide basics and trainings for building and boosting skill sets of students for a community of solutions for the unmet needs. This boot camp aims to initiate and engage graduate students in a process to translate evidence-based medical care and food security into locally relevant and globally appropriate approaches and technologies, especially on the aspects of biochemistry and molecular biology. Students shall implement their own identified unmet needs and work optionally in the relevant labs while regularly holding discussions with course faculty members. After completion of combined course time, lectures and training with optional laboratory work, students must submit the report of research progress which will be evaluated by the course coordinators and respective instructors who host the students. The Bootcamp will conclude with a “Student Biomedical and Translational Research Symposium” open to all faculty, researchers and students. During preparation, MCB students will be provided with optional personal tutors/instructors.

    Course Schedule:
    Students need to attend translational courses hosted by the following instructors and suggested activities (e.g. relevant symposium, lectures and seminars). Student can choose the desired instructor(s) (optional) to do practical training and experimental approaches. Students must attend and present at the final “Student Biomedical and Translational Research Symposium”.
    Theme 1: Drug and health food product development (Prof. Tsai-Kun Li)
    Theme 2: Stem cell and nanobiotechnology (Prof.Han-Yi E. Chou)
    Theme 3: Genetics and Molecular Biology (Prof. Shu-Chun Teng)
    Theme 4: Environmental Epidemiology and Global Health (Prof. Chang-Chuan Chan)
    Theme 5: Signal Transduction (Prof. Hsinyu Lee)
    Theme 6: Animal-based foodstuff (Prof. M